The work we do…

Community Pharmacy Dorset (CPD) is the local voice of Community Pharmacy contractors within the county of Dorset.

The Local Authority public health departments in Dorset are responsible for commissioning community based services and improving public health. NHS England is responsible for commissioning essential, advanced and enhanced services. CPD is the statutory body which has to be consulted by the Local Authority on all matters relating to the terms of service and contractual arrangements for independent community pharmacy contractors. It has the responsibility to represent all pharmacy contractors within its boundary, in all dealings with other health and social care organisations, thus ensuring fairness and transparency when agreeing the local provision of community pharmacy services.

Funding for CPD is derived from a levy paid by all pharmacy contractors in Dorset.

CPD operates within a corporate governance and accountability framework which can be viewed on the Committee Matters page. The document also shows the specific responsibilities of the committee, its constitution and finance arrangements.

Community Pharmacy Dorset members can be contacted by email through Contact us

What do we do?

CPD is here to help and advise pharmacy contractors in all NHS matters and to improve pharmaceutical services to the local population of Dorset. Its primary aim is to accurately reflect and put forward the professional views and aspirations of all pharmacists engaged in community pharmacy that provide NHS pharmaceutical services in Dorset.

In addition, CPD is involved in local negotiations for commissioned services such as the provision of extended hours, supply of emergency hormonal contraception, needle exchange, supervised methadone consumption, smoking cessation services and services managed under patient group directions. CPD members are also actively involved in supporting the implementation of the pharmacy contractual framework both with their contractors.

How do we do this?

CPD has developed sub committees that work locally within their boundary, that are accountable and report back to the full strategic CPD on a regular basis. The meetings are held in the day to provide some protected time for the committees to develop their work programmes. Whenever possible, guests from  other organisations are invited to the meetings to ensure the committees are kept up to date with latest policy areas and local developments.

CPD discussions cover all community pharmacists and pharmacy issues, not just contractor business. Individual members of CPD also take responsibility for specific areas of work in which they have an interest, and working groups will be established in NHS policy areas. CPD believes that community pharmacists have a significant role to play in meeting local healthcare needs. The Secretariat Officers and the Committee Members will actively pursue any issue that affects or is likely to impact on local pharmacy services. The work and agenda of the committee will always be directed to protect and enhance the interests of contractors and the customers and patients they serve.

Any community pharmacist contractor or employed pharmacist is welcome to attend an CPD meeting as an observer, please contact us at for further details.