System Leadership Event

9th October 2019 6.30pm


Wednesday, 9 October 2019, 6:30 pm, Eastleigh

Open to pharmacists working across all practice areas including community pharmacy, hospital, primary care, urgent care, care homes and mental health. Attending this free event will equip you with the resources to work collaboratively within your local system and provide the opportunity to build a network to work across traditional boundaries to serve local populations.

Event Objectives:

  • To consider the pharmacy contribution to an exemplar patient journey
  • To consider the role of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation within the NHS Long Term Plan and PCNs across both Health and Social Care
  • To discuss why and how pharmacists should work together across a local system using the RPS System Leadership Resource
  • To support local network identification and encourage collaborative working share local learning to break down local pharmacy silos
  • To identify CPD opportunities regarding system leadership

Registration is free for RPS Members and Non-Members so book your place now as spaces are limited! – Please BOOK HERE