Dorset Care Record Webinar

25th May 2023 19.30

Zoom online

In conjunction with The Dorset Care Record Team, we are holding a virtual webinar on

Thursday 25th May at 7.30pm

please save the date!

The Dorset Care Record (DCR) collates records from hospitals, GPs, local authorities and Dorset HealthCare, so it contains extra information when compared with the NHS Summary Care Record Additional Information (SCR AI). Accessing the DCR provides a fuller picture of the patient’s medical and care history. The DCR reduces the need for patients to repeat themselves and lessens the risks of medicines information not being visible to the pharmacists and technicians.

During the evening you will hear all about the how the DCR works, what it can bring to your pharmacy, meet the DCR team and have the opportunity to ask questions – we really hope you can join us!

If you would like to attend please email –